Monday 27 May 2019

About to hatch

About to hatch.....
For the last few days, they had been falling from the sky. Nobody knew where they had come from; nobody knew why they were there.
The mysterious objects, most of them spherical in shape, lay there on the beach, motionless, immovable despite the tide’s best efforts to remove them from the shoreline.
Then, a crack began to appear on the surface…… and out came a big fat baby dragon. It was covered in green and blue scales like the ocean. Its eyes were emerald green, it had wings as turquoise as the sea and a tail with spikes on it. It was looking for its mummy dragon. 10 seconds later the mother Dragon came back from a vacation.  She flew down and went to the egg but to her surprise the
baby dragon was waiting for her. The mummy called to her baby dragon and they both flew up into the light blue sky, through a rainbow, into  another dimension
The end.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Lesieli its Nicholas from room 25 that is one big egg. If I found a egg I Think there will be a 6 armed monster inside it. It was nice commenting on you BLOG YA LATTER


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