Friday 29 June 2018

Tuesday 5 June 2018

Weta report

We are learning how to write information reports. Here is my weta report.


Wetas are members of the insect family. They are endemic to New Zealand and they are also the
heaviest insect in New Zealand.


It’s legs are like a spider. It  looks like a cockroach. The head looks like a shiny ball.  It has stripes
on its body.

Tree weta live in holes in trees (a gallery)

Wetas eat native plants. They are  mainly herbivores but some eat small invertebrates for
 example worms and snails.

Weta hach from eggs and are born in springtime. As they grow bigger they moult their exosceleton at
least 10 times. Once they reach adulthood, tree wate live for six to ten months in the lowlands and in the mountapeins they may live for several years.                               


People are threats to weta because their habitats.


The weta is a unique insect and we are doing our best to look after it.